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Studio for the Healing Arts

Schedule of Events

Date: December 8, 2020


Join us for a six week Thursday evening Dreamsharing Circle. Despite the often mysterious aura surrounding the nature of dreams... 

Here's a small sampling below of some of the past events we've offered. Let us know if you'd like to register for a similar event. Email us at

Mindful Dreaming: Our Nightly Dreams are Superb Guides to Greater Mindfulness and Presence

On December 12, 2019 David spoke at the online gathering of East Coast Mindfulness where people come together weekly from locations across the world to learn more about and participate in mindfulness practice. 

David spoke on the topic of Mindful Dreaming and how dreams serve as powerful reinforcers of mindfulness in waking life and also guide us toward realization of our underlying nondual nature.


Mindful Dreaming: The Healing Power of Nondual Dreamwork

David Gordon will be speaking at the annual Science and Nonduality Conference (SAND) on October 25, 2019 in San Jose, CA. David will speak about his book Mindful Dreaming and offer examples of compelling dreams from clients and awakened teachers, to demonstrate how our nightly dreams use the language of metaphor to provide Nondual guidance in deconstructing our conditioned belief in a separate self. 

This course is a gentle entry into the practice of mindfulness for being present in the moments of your life. There are 3 classes that cover 3 meditation practices: sitting, walking, body scanning...

Lojong Group for Women: An Offering to Generate Awakened Heart

Teachings on Lojong practice and mindful living--popularized by Pema Chodron--will be offered, and there will be opportunities for sharing, contemplating, participating in small and whole group exercises...

For 8 weeks you will be part of a living container—a group of individuals devoted to exploring mindfulness as a means to living fully in the only moment there is: now. Highly experiential, the course requires ...

Summer Sitting Meditation

I invite the community to join together for sitting meditation on Sundays in July and August. Summer Sitting is offered at no charge. A short teaching will be offered at the start of each session, after which there will be guided sitting meditation. Brief sharing is welcome as we close. We will end promptly at 6pm.


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